Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jasmine Leong JingRu Is a Homebody in Malaysia; Wastes Opportunity For "Romantic Vacation

News Source: http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/080225/57/u3lw.html, http://asianfanatics.net/forum/

Date: February 25, 2008
Source: Yahoo! News (Taiwan)
Translation Credit: tammiest@asianfanatics

Last year, Jasmine Leong JingRu (Fish) was the "Golden Hen" senior of her record company. In order to thank her for her hard work, the company rejected the Chinese Lunar New Year performance offers that came her way, rumored to total 6,000,000 NT, on her behalf. She was, thus, able to enjoy a two-month long vacation; they also presented her with a blank plane ticket to allow her to travel to a remote and undisclosed location and focus on her romantic life. The two months is drawing to a close... Leong JingRu has unexpectedly spent her entire vacation in her Malaysian home, living as a "zhai nu" (homebody)!

Apparently, two years ago, Leong JingRu purchased property (two stories) in the 新山 (Johor Bahru) district in Malaysia. The two-story house has a courtyard and a pavilion; Leong JingRu's mother, two younger brothers, sister-in-law(s), and their children all reside in her house; it's obvious that she's very filial, indeed! However, Leong JingRu is just like a "Flying Trapeze Artist"*, constantly traveling for promotional activities and performances. Even when she is in Malaysia, she seldome has the time or opportunity to return home.
* Translator's Note: "Flying Trapeze Artist" in Chinese is 空中飛人 Kong Zhong Fei Ren or Person Who Flies in the Air. Thus, it can be used in this instance to describe JingRu (or any artist)... who flies constantly and doesn't stay long in any location.

This was Leong JingRu's longest vacation in the 8 years since her debut. She decided on her "home" as her vacation destination; in her off-time, she experimented with recipes and model figures*, and played with her nieces and nephews... and was completely relaxed. She will return to work on March 2, 2008, participating in the closing ceremonies of Kaohsiung's annual Lantern Festival.
* Translator's Note: The article does not specify the type of model figures... examples/possibilities, though, are model airplanes, cars, anime figurines.